Friday, June 12, 2009

Remember the three big things going down today:


Iranian elections (I know I’m usually very non-partisan on this blog, but Go Mir Hossain Moussavi – say that three times fast)


Analog T.V. signal goes dark (and I can’t help but wonder how frustrated those far off space civilizations that have been watching the T.V. signal bleeding into the universe are going to be when they discover that they’ll never see the last season of Lost.  Maybe that’s what triggers the invasion!)


And, of course let’s not forget. . . today is the day that Facebook allows you to generate a proper URL for your Facebook homepage!  So get out there America and be creative.


(Psssst. . .I’m going to try for  You know, for consistancy.  Friend me!)

Why, Whyyyyyyyyy

Sigh---another brilliant Broadway moment that will have to struggle along without me.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hope no one saw that last blog attempt. My experiment in blogging from a cell phone. But too many characters it turns it to gobbledy-gook. (sigh)