Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Almost Homecoming

The Almost Homecoming
Originally uploaded by CyberJazzDaddy.

This is the outfit that my daughter and her mother got together for Homecoming. Very Stevie Nicks, they thought.

Unfortunately, there was a bit of a break up in the Kitten's life with really bad timing. It was very amicable. Their paths diverged in the wood and the took opposite forks. After that she just wasn't up to seeing all the other cozy couples at the dance.

Her afternoon was filled with watching and episode of Doctor Who we have on DVD with a friend who hadn't seen the finale of season 3. Kitten was even ok that this friend stopped in between her Homecoming hair appointment and getting her nails done.

Later, though, my poor little girl did have a little trouble when things got slow and she couldn't get her mind off it. But she recovered enough to take pictures of her friends in their Homecoming attire before they went to the dance.

After that is was "Daddy Date". I took her over to the grandparents house (they we out and have a killer home theater set-up), and we had a little Tim Burton film fest. She said she enjoyed the evening after all.

The mom was still disappointed that she didn't get to use the fun get-up.


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