Monday, February 06, 2006

Our Superbowl Flushes!

Last night we went to our Pastor’s new house for a Superbowl party. It was very cool. We got to socialize while our two boys played with their two boys the same age. And Bear thought it was cool because the house was A) bigger than ours, B) had long hallways and C) most rooms were void of furniture. Being under three feet tall, all these things together mean that he could run and laugh like he hasn’t been able to since October. I think don't think he stopped moving for two hours.

We had to leave at half time because all the kids needed to get to bed for school the next day. This last weekend’s activities (spending the night and speech tournaments) caused sleep to be at a premium. So we needed to make up for that as well.

However, it would appear that I left just in time too. When trying to orchestrate getting the boys to bed while they bounced around like espresso drinking ferrets, I found myself uttering an entire sentence completely void of consonants. I sounded like a caveman gargling cream of wheat.

Sometimes I feel like I blog just to remind myself that I do have a vocabulary and some fleeting command of a recognized language.

In other news, we had an unexpected topper to the evening. As I was trying to wind everyone down to get to bed, some switch flipped in the heavenly realms and Bear decided he would concede to being potty trained. There in our bathroom, after months of anxiety and drama that didn't even get us to toilet training first base, he was led easily into the potty chair with gentle motherly encouragement, he sat himself down . . .and piddled.

This sparked a celebration to rival anything that happened in Pittsburgh last night. There was such tangible relief and joy beaming from my wife’s I though she might burst into tears. I do believe I detected a measure of pride about Bear’s countenance as well.

He did again this morning.

The walls just keep falling.

P.S. Did anyone else notice the huge hole in the Superbowl last night where the Pepsi/iTunes bottle cap promotion commercials should have gone? I did. *grumble*


Blogger Kitten said...

I notice you haven't posted pictures of my new haircut yet.

5:06 PM  

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