Sunday, October 14, 2007

Good Morning Starshine

Good Morning Starshine
Originally uploaded by CyberJazzDaddy.

You get up on a quiet fall morning while it's still dark. You putter around in dimly lit rooms getting ready for the day while you're body keeps trying to convince you to go back to bed. It's convinced we're walking about in the middle of the night when there is still quality hours of sleep to be had.

When you finally are ready to force yourself out into to the world despite all inner feelings to the contrary, you throw open the door to find this!

A huge spider has made a web across the opening to the door and is sitting there in the center of it right at eye level. Needless to say, you quietly close the door and exit out the other end of the house, hoping that he'll have decided to relocate by the time you get back in the evening.

Can there be any question left that October is here?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is one bigass spider!

And yeah, October is here, but so is global warming: 77 degrees here in Joisey over the weekend. Oy vey.

4:02 PM  

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