Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Trying To Keep On Keepin' On

Dang, I didn’t mean to wait so long before posting again. I would like to post regularly, as it’s one of my “criteria for a worthwhile weblog” that I’m trying to maintain at the moment.

I don’t think I’ll be regularly posting on weekends, but I’d like to have at least one entry per day during the week (provided I’m not rendered unable to do so by being in some connectivity-challenged position---like camping in the woods or something).

One insignificant note of the less than trivial in my digital life, I passed into the next level on my Launchcast Plus music account with Yahoo. It’s sort of a radio station that you set up with your musical tastes and it tries to match them by only playing music it thinks you should like. You get to rate each song, artist and album you hear, and the more you rate, the better it should be able to figure out what to play for you. I’m not sure how much that is actually true, but it’s fun trying.

The levels go like this:

Rating Master: > 10,000 total ratingsAddict: 5,000-10,000 total ratings Fanatic: 1,000-5,000 total ratingsTrendsetter: 500-1,000 total ratingsEnthusiast: 250-500 total ratingsListener: 100-250 total ratingsNewbie: <100 total ratings

I just achieved Fanatic, cresting the 1000 rating mark. Riotous applause. Thank you, thank you. But as you can see, the next level is a bit more of a jump. Well, only 3597 to go!

I’m actually quite enjoying the service. It’s at if your interested. You can hear my station by searching for cyberjazzdaddy. I describe it this way:

ROCKIN YOUR FACE OFF with Hard Rock bands you've probably never heard of, and a few Broadway tunes thrown in for good measure. Not to mention some little unexpected anomalies sprinkled about just to keep everybody guessing. ;-)


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