Monday, March 28, 2005

Monday's reader's Poll. . .

. . .from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Feel free to leave your own answers!

1. Did you gorge yourself on sugar yesterday? Nope, left that up to the kids. I think I got diabetes just watching them.

2. How often do you change your sheets? The wife handles that aspect of our life, so as often as she sees fit.

3. Do you usually drive within the speed limit? I try to after my sister-in-law got a ticket in a construction zone---my budget can’t handle that kind of a ding.

4. Which is more vomit-inducing, The Ashlee Simpson Show or The Simple Life? For me it must be the Simple Life, although I’ve never actually seen an episode. I actually don’t mind Ashlee Simpson. She dosent’ annoy me as much as see seems to get to some people---I just think she was born in the wrong decade. She would have made a good 80’s rocker---given Joan Jett a run for her money.

5. Have you ever eaten a booger? I may have, although I don’t remember it now. My main current relationship to that act is reeling in disgust every time I see it perpetrated in my house.

6. If you could become a member of the opposite sex for a week, would you? Totally. In a second. I’d love to see things from that perspective. And being able to wear eyeliner for a whole week with nary a raised eyebrow! (Oh, um, this is just between us, right? Dude, I’ve been off the stage for too long.)

7. Have you ever gone camping (in a tent, RVs don't count)? Just a bit---8 years of Boy Scouting and now my son is joining. Oy. I’ll be at the Ramada if you need me.

8. If you could take a class at no cost to you (at a school, at the gym, any type of class), what would you take? I’d love to learn either After Effects or Flash. (The software for homework would have to be free though too.)

9. Have you ever won a radio contest? I haven’t, but my daughter did. Here I was telling her that it’s a long shot to win one of those things, and there she was calling Radio Disney every morning. The next thing I knew, we were getting a fish lamp in the mail. As she grew older, she abandoned it----but it’s in my office now. That was a red letter moment in her little life---I’m not about to let that go to the landfill.

10. What kind of milk do you drink? Cow---only cow. Skim.


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