Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Questions, questions, questions. . .

A little questionaire from Lasadh over at "The good, the bad and the ugly".

1. What's one thing you really, really love about yourself? My hair---it's faithfully given me something to hide behind for years. Sadly, it is now choosing to depart.

2. What's one thing you really, really love about one of your friends? That I can talk movies, Macintosh, music, theater and the internet with him like no one else. I also like that if we disagree we can do that and he doesn't feel like he has to 'win' for us to discuss our perspectives. I hope he can say the same about me.

3. If forced to choose, would you rather have a constant feeling of having to sneeze or a constant feeling of having to fart? Dude, I'm getting uncomfortable just trying to think of an answer for this one. Moving on ---next question.

4. OJ: pulp or no pulp? Either---just as long as I have some first thing in the morning. It is something I require.

5. Have you ever been in a physical fight? In grade school I wasn't one who did a lot of fighting. I was smaller so I learned early how to talk my way out of things. But it also meant I had great empathy for the littler kids and wouldn't pick on anyone smaller than me.

But one time I did have a kids loose his temper at me on the playground. I assessed the situation and it looked pretty fair---we were both about the same size so there wasn't going to be any unfair whoopin' going on. I also thought it might be fun to do something that I haven't experienced (I had been watching a little to much T.V. I guess).

But when I started hitting him in the face it was a totally unsatisfying feeling. No solid "Pow!" feeling in my arm, no cool sound like in the movies. Total rip-off, I felt so deceived by popular entertainment. So I decided I didn't want to do it any more and ran into the school building.

We made friends later in the day.

6. Have you ever cut your own hair? I trim regularly myself around the ears and stuff. With 4 kids and a wife, I can't afford a proper hair cut much more than once a quarter (if that). So it helps that I like to wear it long.

7. Would you rather be too hot or too cold? Hot without a doubt. I hate cold. Whine and complain all winter. Will never take a skiing vacation voluntarily. In my imagination, hell is not full of flames but is a giant ice cave.

I've had people have given me the "put on more clothes/take off only so much" argument before and my take on it is, yeah, but I've never heard a story where someone had to have something amputated because the weather was just too darn hot.

Bring on the sun, baby.

8. What did you study in college (or, if you didn't go, what would you have studied)? Theater, theater and theater. And here I am not doing theater for a living---or at all for that matter.

9. What do you typically wear to bed? Boxers and a T-shirt.

10. What's your lucky number? I only have a lucky number in the moments after eating a fortune cookie. It's gone when the fortune hits the trash.


Blogger Marilyn said...

Great answers. Question #3 did make me laugh.

11:48 AM  

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