Thursday, May 01, 2008

So tonight as I write this I'm missing another event. I must make a confession. I've become a bit of an NPR groupie. I listen to hours of NPR podcast each week, and now some of my favorite shows are on there. I find myself being more fond of these radio programs than I am of TV (even Lost!).

And some of the people from these shows have come through town and I have missed them because I could schedule around to see them. It's getting very frustrating. I missed Kurt Anderson's visit (he's from Studio 360), I missed Krista Tippit (from Speaking of Faith), even missed a concert by David Sedaris.

And tonight, the supreme paper cut with lemon juice in it---This American Life is having a life simulcast event from New York that is not being shown in our area! Two digital theaters around here and neither are hosting this event! The closest theater is two hours away. I might have been able to drive, but again---schedule. Sigh.

But the wife and I console ourselves in the thought that we may one day get to Chicago for a live taping of Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me.

One can only dream.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I heard that Ira Glass got married my heart sank just a little bit ... (a variation on the theme of what happened when i was 9 and i learned that davy jones was married) ... as if I had a chance.

I totally relate to your live-and-in-person NPR lust. :)

9:46 PM  

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