Monday, June 27, 2005

"When the apple falls" from the perspective of the tree

You may have seen my daughter's comment on my blog article on George Lucas and the Star Wars movies a couple of posts ago. I've thought it's kind of interesting the dynamic that has come about since my daughter reads my blog. It's very interesting that even though we see each other day and many times have time to have conversations, we are still able to discover new sides of each other through our blogs that we wouldn't otherwise thing to bring up in our everyday lives.

Writing is such a reflective medium, and because it's initially solitary it doesn't get derailed like topics in conversation often can---especially when there are constant "Get down from there. . .don't do that. . .put that down. . .say you're sorry now" type interruptions going on all around any discussion like in our household. With this unique environment such interesting little gems can come out. I'm always quite excited that it's exists.

Here's a new step in my relationship with my daughter---she sent me a link. Actually, it was in one of her comments on the blog here, but I receive my comments as emails so it ended up in my inbox. She wrote:

"Sorry to break your heart, but you might want to check out this website. It's an interview with Lucas. " And then she included the link in her email. She shared a link with her daddy!

I exchange links with my adult friends and co-workers all the time. It's become a cool shorthand for email and IMs. I don't have to recap a whole article before it can be discussed---I just send a link and then make my comments. It's a convention of the internet and it's digerati.

And now my baby girl is doing it. She's getting so grown up (*sniff*).

Here's what I responded (because I can't let the conversation about the whole Star Wars thing just end like that!):

"Hey little girl,

Thanks for commenting on my blog. You're such a cutie.

Here's the thing on ol'George----he also said he'd never make another Star Wars movie after Jedi. For more than 20 years he said that. Then he caved and made the prequal trilogy.

I think he really wants it to be dead. The story goes that originally he wrote a Star Wars script that was so massive that it would have never gotten produced in it's entirety. So he found a real viable story nugget in the middle which he pulled out and developed that became the original Star Wars. He did it as a little indie thing on his way to making bigger and better films---but then it took on a life of it's own.

I really believe he may not want to do another one (or three)--but I'm also fairly confident that they are more movies that could be done.

I could see a lot of scenarios. He said HE'S not going to make any more---which may very well be the case. But he hasn't said that no one else will make one---and there are a lot of directors that I'm sure would be brilliant on this thing (like Stephen, ahem). The rivers of money are still flowing on this franchise so never rule anything out as long as that's happening----especially in what the studios consider to be an ongoing box office drouth.

One thing I could see is this new live action T.V. series sparking off a new story line in the Star Wars Universe---and a movie coming from that a la Star Trek. We'll have to wait and see.

Another thing I've learned (listening to Steve Jobs and others in charge of decisions in corporate America) is that they will deny things and give you reasons why they won't, right up until they do.

The Berlin Wall fell, Nelson Mandela because president of South Africa, Apple is going to Intel. It's a brave new world---I don't rule anything out.

You know what. This is pretty good stuff. I just might post it.

Love you,



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