Thursday, November 09, 2006

Kids In The Way- Fiction

This is one of my new favorite songs. I especially like the chorus where it says;

--we're making fiction of our lives, burning pages as we write. . .

That line stuck with me because it resonates with the reason I blog. On a day to day basis so many neat moments happen, so many stories go by, and most all vanish as quickly as they occur, unwritten, unrecorded, and largely unremembered.

I know I can't write everything down, there's just not enough time. But I want to at least get some down, as much as possible.

The wonderful Kate made a comment on her blog recently ( that one of her ex's had scoffed at her blogging as trying to "mythologize her life". From her tone in that post it seemed like she may have taken exception to that characterization. But when I read that I thought---yes, that's exactly what I'm trying to do, and I think others are too---and many very successfully.

Part of the focus of my study in grad school was learning to teach people how to use theater games and improvisation to give more attention and reflection on the value of their personal histories. How to make personal myths. And not myths as in false-hoods or ill founded beliefs, but as in stories that are larger than merely the events they contain. Stories that serve “to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice or belief”---Stories “which seems rooted in universal human experiences” and have “the power of symbolizing society's ideology and of dramatizing its moral consciousness--with all the complexities and contradictions that consciousness may contain”.

It’s like in that Eagles song “James Dean”;

---- I know my life would look all right
If I could see it on the silver screen.

The Internet is our silver screen, and that’s where our stories should be. So shine on, blog brothers and sisters, shine on.


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