Saturday, November 04, 2006

Here I am, just in from a night at the theater. I took the older two, and this was the first time that they had seen their mom perform. They were duly impressed. I was glad that they could finally see what I've known for years. Their mom got skills. And she can really pull of period costumes. This show was late 1800s to early 1900s. I always hated wearing period costumes because in those ages it was all about look, and zero about comfort. But the wife seems to have a romantic place in her heart for those kind of outfits and so really pulls them off.

The earlier part of the day was spent attacking the lawn. We have a tree in the front that goes nothing, nothing, nothing ---and then dumps all it's leaves at once! We literally couldn't see the grass in the front yard it was so covered. So I rousted the troops the first thing in the morning to grab a quick breakfast and then help me take up a rake and move into action. Of course that went over with less than noticeable enthusiasm.

I just can't help thinking that the neighbors must think we're the craziest house on the block. I imagine them looking out their windows to see a dad leading out his flock, all of them dragging their tails and him going back to drag them out by their sleeves. Then they start to work, kicking and shuffling their feet and arguing a little with each other. The Dad keeps having to put down his tools to go around from worker to worker ---and even though they can't hear what he's saying, they could tell that he's having strong words because his gestures are very animated. And he keeps rubbing his head when goes back to his own work. They may have even seen the 8 year old shed a tear or two under this taskmaster.

Then they look out after lunch to see the whole family laughing as they try to balance rakes and lawn furniture on their faces. All except the youngest one---he's busy buying himself head to toe in the biggest leaf pile while no one is watching.

I find hope in the Vietnam Vets I see. Even though they went through hell, they have a bond that keeps them close. It gives me hope that years from now our little family can keep together, if for no other reason than because we made it through days like these alive.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Props to Mom for her mad skillz. ;) We need to be doing some leaf-raking of our own...but somehow it tends to lead to disagreement. You'd think raking wouldn't stir passions...but apparently I don't do it the 'right' way. ;)

9:21 AM  
Blogger katiescarlet said...

I am glad I don't have to rake leaves. However, I will find the little piles of them in the parking lot and deliberatly step on them to hear the wonderful crunch!
God bless

9:58 AM  

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