Friday, November 24, 2006

Sometimes I don’t feel like a grown up.

Sometimes I feel like a boy who was issued the wrong uniform.

The world is just so big.

Sometimes I don’t feel like I stood in the right line.

I was so filled with self righteousness in college.

Studying the arts, looking down our noses at the others who would study medicine and business.

They ran after the money. We were we so much more enlightened. We were culture.

We held civilization together and kept mankind separated from the animal kingdom.

Fast forward.

Black Friday 2006---daddy’s car is in the shop.

The lifeblood of his earning capacity, and today his ball and chain.

It needs repair? How can I say no.

December 25, 2006---the year daddy brings home a clutch for Christmas.

Won’t that make a sight full of holiday cheer.

Daddy is wearing his degree on a chain around his neck; it is his albatross .

I know it’s my journey, and I’m walking it the best I can.

I just don’t know what my family did to get drug along for the ride.

They must have stepped on a duck .

(Click the link if you've never heard the duck joke . You'll understand what I mean then.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

. . . ask your wife and your kids what they would rather have, an additional 20 grand a year income or you and all of your fabulousness . . . seriously . . . you are the kind of dad that would make extreme poverty worth it :) . . . fences, dental work, a new clutch . . . all in the game of life . . . I have a wealthy friend who kvetches just as hard and is just as freaked out at how expensive all of her plastic surgery costs because *that* is the world that *she* lives in where all women over the age of 40 must still try and look 30 . . . Your family loves you so much . . . and they are so incredibly lucky :)

6:20 AM  
Blogger katiescarlet said...

ok first the duck joke. that's just wrong! lol.

Second, are u crazy? God is gonna look at all the love in your family and never chain any of you to anything. That what He counts, not money.

God bless.

11:46 AM  

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