Sunday, June 10, 2007

Bringing Geeky Back

Ok, it's been a while since I totally geeked out, so tonight, on the eve of one of the Mac tribe's high holidays, I issue a warning. Tomorrow afternoon expect a very geeked-out post.

The butterfly's are starting. Getting all a-twitter on what Uncle Steve, aka Santa Clause of Cupertino, will bring to the digital landscape.

For the uninitiated, tomorrow at 12:00 CST (where I'm at) is the Apple Keynote at WWDC--the world wide developer's conference. This has been historically where some of the heaviest stuff has been dropped over the past years, so I'm very much looking forward to seeing what will happen. As is half of the Internet. The other half, I think, are too busy texting their myspace buddies.

I'll be taking an extra long lunch break and trying to find the sites that are text messaging play by play to the web from the Keynote floor. Trying to find one that isn't crashing from all the people trying to get on at the same time.

I hope I can sleep tonight.

Update: I'm at a computer terminal right now watching the live blog of the keynote at ---it's very cool, they've got photos they are casting as well as the text so you can kind of see the presentation of new features on screen. They are previewing all the new fetures of OS X Leopard coming in October. It's going to be a totally different world when this stuff hits. You have got to watch the video of this to get the full impact. It'll probably be posted later.

Later Update: Ok, so the sound of one hand clapping is all the excitement after the Keynote. It had sort of that situation comedy flashback clip show feel to it. It was more just a rehash of stuff we've heard a lot before really. It kind of felt like they were treading water so not to take any of the focus away from the iPhone release in a couple weeks. Good call, I suppose. This is probably the most anticipated release since the original Macintosh. All the other revolutions they've started snuck up on people, but because they had to let the cat out of the bag when the filed with the FCC, they chose to pre-announce it rather than let the thunder dissipate. However, that left people with 6 months or so to salivate. With this much expectation, the pressure is worse than when the new Star Wars films released. And we saw what happened there. If this thing doesn't deliver, the critics will have a field day tearing this thing apart. They've been waiting for the chink in the armor of the all things iPod maker, and if they find one, they'll swarm like killer bees.

The carnage (either the iPhone gutting the cell phone industry or the haters destroying the iPhone) begins June 29th.


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