Monday, June 27, 2005

Hard Lesson

The Bear is amazing. He can catch flying bugs with ease. Moths--that's just a warm up. Flies are his specialty.

Kitten's friends are constantly amazed. If we aren't paying much attention when he performs his special feat, her friends will see it and look up in amazement, "Did you see what he just did! He caught a fly!" Yeah, we know.

Bear will sometimes come into a room where we are, if we weren't there to see it happen and hold his clenched fist out looking at us--waiting for everyone's attention---and then release the bug right in front of us letting it fly away like some proclamation that he's still got what it takes, if anyone was wondering, a satisfied smile across his face.

Today, however, he tested his special ability a little further on some of natures other creatures. His lightening reflexes didn't fail him.

But he caught a bee.

I'm not sure that we'll be seeing any bug catching exploits any time soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch! You're right ... he probably won't be too eager to try and catch another bee anytime soon; though maybe what you have is an entomologist in the making (yeah, I had to look that up ... couldn't remember the word for someone who studies bugs).

p.s., I haven't forgotten about your script ... I have it bookmarked for a reading soon when things slow down later this week.

5:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooooh...ouch!! My Italian grandmother used to sneak up on flies in windows and lightning-quick grab them with two fingers. We, of course, were HUGELY grossed out by this feat. She'd just laugh. :)

6:08 AM  

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