Wednesday, November 29, 2006

And So, The Inevitable Comes

And down from the hills whips the shrill, knife edge cold of winter. We dropped 40 degrees in less than 24 hours, and with the wind chill, a lot more than that. This begins the time of year for my mantra of the death season; "ihatewinter, ihatewinter, ihatewinter". Usually mumbled under breath you can see while walking across parking lots in the dark, lasting roughly until about mid-March.

It's also the time of hear that geese begin showing that they have more sense than we do by flying south. They fly low and honk and squawk loudly what I suppose to be a bird form of my mantra, as they fly low overhead. And four year old boys stand in back yards everywhere and yell up at them, "Shut Up! SHUT! UUUUUUUP!!"

OK. Maybe that's just us.


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