Thursday, March 22, 2007

From Tumblr

Here's a something that spilled out of my brain onto Tumblr that I thought kind of belonged over here:

March 19, 2007

Running O' the Green

Well, I survived St. Patty's day.

At our house it's an observed holiday of a sort, but not because of the Irish connection, even though my side of the family does bring the Irish.

Even though we're Christian we're not celebrating any religious aspect associated with any saint.
Even though we wear green, it's not about the green.

At our house it's pretty much entirely about. . . Pinch Avoidance.

The kids slink out of their bedrooms dressed in green, but not in a festive way. More out of the same spirit that a paintball warrior will wear body armor for protection.

Suddenly, as I'm brushing my teeth I feel a sharp little pain in my left buttock. I turn around to see a grinning little 8 year old face, filled with the glee that only comes from drawing first blood.

It's on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find myself wondering if the tumblr is really about 'short bursts'...or more about you having the freedom to write in a space that's not confined to your persona here. Because blogging personas can feel rather suffocating sometimes. Not that I've ever experienced that first-hand or anything...

7:25 AM  

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