Thursday, February 10, 2005

Take Five

Below I've done this Month’s "Five photos on the Fifth of '05" Meme; five photos on the fifth of each month during 2005. Last month I posted pics of my real babies, this month I thought I post pics of my other babies.

I never set out to collect computers, but they grow on you. Mostly Macs, of course, but we do have a couple of Windows machines. Not pictured are my daughter's HP Vectra that I got for her when the computer lab that I was working at upgraded---it's about 10 years old, a Pentium I 75mhz, but it still lets her type her papers and play some games. She also had a 1400 Powerbook I bought for her off of Ebay, but that got dropped so it's not doing so good. The battery didn't hold a charge so she always needed it to be plugged in while she was using it and one night during a sleep-over one of her friends tripped over the cord, knocking it to the floor. We haven't be able to boot it up since.

I also have a closet with some headless Macs; a Centris, an LC III, and a Performa. I do have aspirations. I'd like to collect a representative from every distinctive Mac design that Apple has done: an original iMac shape (I'd prefer blueberry), a Cube, a Luxo iMac, the G5 iMac, of course the Mac Mini, and the coup de grâce---a 20th Anniversary Mac. But this collection will have to wait till all the kids are raised or I get a serious raise.



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